Advanced draft
ATscale Strategy 2024 - 2027
The ATscale Strategy 2024 - 2027 sets out how ATscale aims to expand its country and global footprint to deliver wider and deeper impact over the next three years and beyond. The Strategy retains ATscale’s fundamental approach, while also absorbing the lessons from experience to date and responding to the risks and opportunities that arise in a rapidly changing world.
ATscale convenes partners globally and nationally, and engages AT users, to drive progress across three mutually reinforcing strategic pillars:
Strategic Pillar I: Supporting Country Plans, and their implementation, to strengthen their AT policies, systems, services and financing
Strategic Pillar II: Strengthening Global Enablers, that countries depend on, such as healthy markets that deliver reliable supplies of quality, affordable products.
Strategic Pillar III: Advocating for Change to catalyse political will, mobilize public awareness and raise overall resources.
By the end of the Strategy period in 2027, ATscale’s ambition is that:
It will have delivered support to strengthen policies, systems and services in at least 35 countries reaching at least 50 million people with assistive products and services.
A strengthened global environment is supporting healthier markets, providing comprehensive guidance on service delivery and financing and advancing the use of digital AT.
Increased political will and public awareness is reflected in greater numbers of national AT campaigns and increased national and donor funding for AT
All this will be underpinned by a strong partnership approach, supported by a highly performing Secretariat, effectively delivering annual operational plans, with US$190 million mobilized towards implementation of the strategy over the full period.
If you have any questions, contact:
Barbara Goedde, Strategy & Coordination Advisor