About ATscale
ATscale’s vision is to ensure every person can access and afford the AT they need, enabling a lifetime of potential. ATscale’s mission is to catalyze action, amplify existing work, and coordinate and mobilize global stakeholders with unified strategies to increase availability of and access to AT. ATscale’s goal is to ensure that 500 million more people globally are reached with life-changing AT by 2030.
ATscale has three mutually reinforcing objectives:
to raise awareness, grow political will, and mobilize investment;
strengthen policy, systems, and service delivery at country level to increase access to high-quality, affordable AT; and
invest in interventions to overcome supply and demand-side market barriers to build and shape AT markets.
Watch this video introducing ATscale
The scope of AT is potentially very large. In order to focus work, ATscale has initially identified five priority product areas: hearing aids, wheelchairs, eyeglasses, prostheses and assistive digital devices and software.
How does ATscale take action?
inspires and influences stakeholders to act on AT by raising political will and mobilizing resources from current and new actors;
develops and promotes tools, guidance and expertise globally and in countries to assure quality AT service delivery;
provides governments and relevant AT stakeholders with support to co-create integrated national AT joint investment plans;
provides investment to support national AT plans over three years initially, inviting other partners to collaborate;
uses data and evidence to support and advocate the development of AT markets in five priority product areas: wheelchairs, hearing aids, prostheses, eyeglasses and digital devices and software.
ATscale and partners collaborate across sectors to build stronger systems to improve the lives of people in need of AT. So far, ATscale has approved US$ 14 million to work with governments and stakeholders to develop 3-year AT joint investment plans in 6 countries across 3 regions, aiming to provide nearly 600,000 people with AT.
The partnership provided AT to 20,000 internally displaced persons in Ukraine, and made a catalytic investment of US$340,000. ATscale has supported work to ensure that 2,200 internally displaced people in Ukraine received essential assistive devices. It has also produced five global public good products that bridge important gaps in knowledge and evidence about AT.
Watch this video on how ATscale takes action
Join us
ATscale continues to strengthen the partnership and build the movement for AT and invites all interested stakeholders to:
Engage with the partnership to drive the agenda forward
Invest to build the data, identify gaps and contribute to joint action plans
Integrate AT-specific interventions in ongoing policies and projects
Join the group of core AT funders to help steer this agenda forward.
2023 Annual Review
Last year marked the second full year of operations for ATscale and we are pleased to report on the progress made in implementing our ambitious agenda. In 2023, the partnership finalized the start up phase, further expanded country investments, made progress on global public goods interventions, and continued to advocate transformative assistive technology.
The annual review provides an overview of achievements in 2023 and a summary of plans for 2024. We are proud of our investments made globally and locally so far and are confident they will lead to lasting impact.
Available to download in the following accessible formats: DAISY | EPUB | HTML
Available to download in the following languages: Arabic | French | Spanish
2022 - A Year in Review
2022 marked ATscale's first year of full operations and this first annual review reports on the early stages of implementing the ambitious agenda.
ATscale’s 2022 annual review is available in English in the following accessible formats: DAISY │ ePUB │ HTML
It is also available to download in PDF format in the following languages: French │Spanish │Chinese
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